
Changes are Coming!!

It amazes me that so many people seem to think that I don't know the severity of my condition. Apparently I'm not "taking it easy" enough. Who thinks I shouldn't be driving but not volunteering to take me to work. Who thinks I should be in bed all the time, but not volunteering to come cook, clean and do whatever little errands I need to do. So I'm not sure what "taking it easy" i suppose to be doing when I still need to live.

I am not sure why they think that the possibility of ME being in extreme pain and possibly being unable to walk is not as GREAT of an issue for me as it is to them. I am truly grateful for all the concerns but regardless of what I am still alive and need to live. I still have things I want to do and I'll be dammed if I just sit around waiting. Waiting on what I don't know. Cause even with this surgery done I can still be run over by a truck. Lol. Not that I'm going to go and roll down a hill or get into a fight or go play dodge ball and get hit. But honestly sitting around in one spot just so that I don't hurt myself is like telling me to eat once in the day. Not going to happen.

In the same regard I have thus limited my activities. I have a new project that I am quite excited about relaunching and have been working feverishly on getting it up and running by the end of the month. Additionally I need to change this blog template because 1) I'm bored and 2) I need to have an option to play video. Music has surely become my saving grace and sometimes there's just a song that can sum up all of what I'm feeling instead of writing it out. So look out for it.

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