
Happy New Year!!!!

I'm a few days late but hey better late than never.

2009 started out GREAT for me. As I had intended. The day before i was oh so scared because it was a really rough day. Old Years projected to be HORRIBLE and I was really scared that I would be going into 2009 as my 2008 was. I was petrified. But thank God things worked out. It was shaky but by the start of the New Year I was happy and it continued into being a great start.

To date, I am hopeful as everyone is at the beginning of the year. Full of hope and positivity. And I pray that it continues into the year. I have no qualms with there being life learning lessons this year. I'm not afraid of having some challenges, but the extra unnecessary garbage that plagued me for '08 I wont be having. Something I have made clear with EVERYONE.

So here's to a NEW YEAR, a NEW BLOG, new EXPERIENCES!!!

1 Growth Spurts:

GirlBlue said...

w00t! Happy new Year Penzee Wenzeee

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