

So I was tagged by GirlBlue, who I am upset with cause she has gone on a long trip down the islands. Can I really come up with 20 little known things about me?

1. I went to college on a tennis scholarship. Everytime I mention that to someone who has met me in the only the last 3 years they get this weird look on their face, like "Ah yea sure". I always have to laugh. Yea I'm lazy has heck now, but I used to be on a tennis court playing matches for 3 hours. I also did track, netball, some hockey.

2. I am a heartfelt romantic. I love anything that has to do with positive emotions, love. (I hate valentines though... but that's for another post). But I don't always get that back...lol

3. I eat a lot. But that may be a known fact. Ihave not gained a pound in 2 years... but I have gone up some clothes sizes...weird!!!

4. I am a shy person

5. I am afraid of heights

6. I am a dramatic claustraphobic

7. I am meticulous. My mom won't agree.

8. My dream is to be a travelling chef.

9. Crowds are not my thing. I pick and choose which massive crowd I would be able to deal with.

10. I give all of who I am to my friends.

11. I don't make friends easily.

12. I drink a lot.

13. I spend WAY too much time with my laptop.

14. I'm under apperciated.

15. I am my mother's second mole. Or should I say she's my first...lol

16. I get hurt easily. I think because I still beleive in that "Treat me as I treat you" bullshit.

17. I am a music lover. And I have to have it organized. I spend hours sitting cateogrizing my genre, year, album covers, searching the interent to make sure the information is correct. I hate to see "Unknown" on my list.

18. I make up my mind in 2 seconds FLAT.

19. I love too hard.

20. I have a lot of things about me to share.

I tag
The traveling posters: While at post Girls

2 Growth Spurts:

Wuzdescene said...

Wheeeeey .... I now realise I get TAG again!!!

Drunk or Sober Mind yuh Bizness said...

You do it already though... lol. And I know how you LOVE them...

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